Unfinished Business: Resolutions of Yore

elephant_nyeIt’s New Year’s Eve morning, and I’m up bright and early to savor one last day of gluttony, sloth and various other deadly sins before my shiny new halo arrives promptly at midnight.

This time last year, I made – and kept – my three no-thought-required-oh-so-simple resolutions. This year, I’ve decided to go old school. Rather than list the new vegetables I vow to devour or the year’s bestsellers I intend to read, I’m going to delve into the resolution vault and revisit some unfinished business from New Years of yore:

Keep a diary (1987): While I’ll miss the security of the little green book with the ADT-approved lock, a basic notebook by the bedside should suffice. And let’s just call it a journal.

Read To Kill a Mockingbird (1999, 2004, 2009, 2014): I had the opportunity to not read this book three times in three high schools (Army brat) and I can no longer go on not knowing what a Boo Radley is.

Start saving for a new car (1996, 2003): If I could simply rip the plastic off my DVD collection, it would save me $37 at Redbox alone.

Learn to ski (2001): The last time I went skiing I ended up sprawled across the Alps with a concussion. Maybe next time I shouldn’t go so big.

Send birthday cards (2010): I buy them, I write them, I address them, I stamp them, I find them amongst a stack of Self magazines nine months later when the postage is no longer sufficient.

Use a planner (2008): I buy it, I fill in birthdays, I make a running schedule for January, I find it amongst a stack of Self magazines nine months later when I realize I’ve missed a teeth cleaning.

Speak French fluently (1992): Just a few more Beauty and the Beast viewings and I should have my accent down.

Start using the word “rad” more (1988): For unknown reasons this resolution was actually documented in one of my old little green diaries. Still sounds like a good idea to me.

As I inevitably join the gym rat race first thing tomorrow, I’ll know it’s not because I resolved to lose the three pounds of peanut butter kiss cookies I gained last week, it’s because I wrote down the commitment in my rad new planner and have a French copy of To Kill a Mockingbird on my iPad waiting to be read.

Do you have any old New Year’s resolutions you intend to resurrect this year?

About WhiteElephantInTheRoom

I'm an 80s music lover, traveling junkie, mac & cheese connoisseur, amateur wine snob, party-planning priestess and Chicago transplant living in Southern California. I find adventure in the everyday and have a unending compulsion to write about it. Hope you enjoy reading my mind!
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9 Responses to Unfinished Business: Resolutions of Yore

  1. paywindow7 says:

    The last resolution I remember making from yore was “do not taunt or other wise harass a T-Rex”. Stimulating a nasty, carnivorous, lizard that is elephant huge is not socially acceptable, espectially when you are with a group.
    Most of the other resolutions I’ve made did not last beyond the New Year celebration’s hangover.
    Wait here’s one: i resolve to refuse to eat or drink anything that’s supposed to be good for me.
    Here’s another: I resolve to drink better liquor and more coffee.
    And another: To try and get my pilots license back
    More yet: Travel more.
    Also: make some money so I can travel more.(I know the last two seem to be slightly out of order).


    • Ah the resolution domino effect. Hard to stop once you start! Ok…it’s actually so easy to stop. And nice one on the better liquor. I have a similar one about drinking better wine this year. And then I bought a box.

  2. Kendra says:

    You can borrow my copy of To Kill a Mockingbird and I’ll practice with you what I can remember of my french, if you’ll take me with you on the bunny trails to learn how to ski!

  3. notquiteold says:

    I love my planner and To Kill a Mockingbird. I hate skiing. My blog is my journal. My French accent is tres cute.
    I have my own resolutions all figured out. I’ll post them on my blog tomorrow.

  4. To Kill a Mockingbird is still one of my favorites, and it is a pretty quick read, so you should be able to check that one of your list soon. I have a suggestion about the planner. I have had problems using them as well — I write information, but I never look at the thing. In recent years, my family has had a magnetic calendar that sticks to the refrigerator. This has worked brilliantly, because we are forced to look at it every time we go to the kitchen for food.

  5. My brother made a new years resolution to talk more gangster. I think he actually just meant slur his words and say “bra” instead of “bro.”

  6. Pingback: 10 Steps to Crafting Your New Year’s Resolutions | White Elephant in the Room

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